First Class Life™ Devotional

First Class Life™ Devotional

For the past 3 months, I've been working on something really exciting - my very first book, First Class Life™ Devotional!!

It is a dream and a privilege to be able to share this latest project with the world and with 35 phenomenal individuals. This anthology project is my first published book. If you had told me at the beginning of 2021 that I would be a published Author within 6-months, I would have said as nice as that sounds, I couldn’t see it happening!

It all started when I first joined Clubhouse and found myself ‘walking’ into a Clubhouse room hosted by Lindsey Vertner under the club, Mindset Mastersuite. I remember taking one look at the title of the room that day, “Devotional Time for Mindset: Day 3/100” and the next thing I knew, I found myself clicking to enter the room. Without realising it, I had walked into a room that would not only transform my mindset but my life!

This room was hosted by 3 amazing women - Lindsey Vertner, Trina Springs and Kisha Fox. Everyday for 100 days, they committed their time to impart wisdom, encouragement and love to complete strangers like myself as we read through the devotional by Joyce Meyer, “Battlefield of the Mind Devotional: 100 Insights That Will Change the Way You Think”. Words fail me right now to help me explain how much this room changed my life. If I had chosen to read Joyce’s devotional alone, I don’t believe it would have had the same impact on me as reading it together with others around the world and having the privilege to hear insights and thoughts from the lovely moderators and the audience. God tends to speak to us sometimes through others and I am grateful for the ability to hear in-spite of my deafness and to have placed myself in a position to receive.

Disobedience has a ripple effect. Likewise, obedience. Lindsey, Kisha and Trina’s obedience created a ripple effect worldwide and because of their obedience, the tranjectory of my life and of so many others, has changed. The beautiful souls who came up to the stage time and time again to speak from their heart, be vulnerable and transparent - I truly appreciate every single one of them. It wasn’t easy to expose ourselves like that but it was so worthwhile! I was a nervous-wreck when I first spoke on ‘stage’ in the room, but as the weeks past, I noticed an incredible change in me. That nervous woman was gone!

If there is anything I took away from that room, it is that we are so powerful and so precious that the devil is threatened by our existence and is doing everything possible to destroy us through our minds. Don’t let him. He’s already lost the war and he knows it, so he is trying to get as many as possible to go down with him. Stand strong in the truth of God’s Word over your life and make an intention to remind yourself daily what that Word is!

And as often said in Clubhouse, my name is Doose and I am done speaking!